
Essential Guide to Efficient Template Creation for Videobolt
Creating the Template
Uploading the Template
Testing the Template
Final Clean-Up
Submitting for Review
Creating the Template
Before submitting, ensure you have successfully completed the Templating process using Videobolt Templater extension.
What is Templater?
Templater is a step-by-step wizard extension for Adobe After Effects, designed to help convert existing After Effects projects into a format compatible with Videobolt's online template editor. It simplifies the process of structuring your projects to meet the specific requirements of Videobolt, ensuring that your templates are ready for online editing and use by those who may not have extensive experience with Adobe After Effects.
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Uploading the Template
Visit the Videobolt Template Submit Page to upload your template.
You need to provide three key pieces of information:
  1. Name: Choose a unique and catchy name for your template, avoiding generic titles like Logo Intro or Slideshow.
  2. Animation Description: Briefly describe the animation of the template, focusing on its key features and creative elements.
  3. File: Upload the .zip file of your template, which was created at the conclusion of the Templater wizard.
  4. After uploading, click the Upload Template button, and upon completion of the upload progress, select Proceed to Editor.
    Testing the Template
    To expedite the review process and increase the chances of approval, thoroughly test your template.
    For a template to be successfully sold on Videobolt, it's crucial that it functions correctly. Therefore, thoroughly testing your template is the most vital step in ensuring it meets Videobolt's standards, significantly enhancing the likelihood of immediate approval for sale on the platform. Refer to the Debug Videos for a comprehensive guide on how to test your templates effectively.
    1. Check Logo Placeholders
    2. Check Image Placeholders
    3. Check Text Placeholders
    4. Check Video Placeholders
    5. Check Audio Placeholders
    6. Relevant topics:
      Final Clean-Up
      This stage is critical for the review process. Ensure that your placeholders, controls, and groups are named correctly, adhering to the guidelines provided in the Names section.
      1. Create basic controls
      2. Create, organize and name groups of placeholders and controls
      3. Create Themes and Use Cases
      4. Adjust Placeholder Buttons
      5. Submitting for Review
        Once the final clean-up is complete, submit your template for review by clicking the “Submit for Review” button. Confirm your submission in the dialog box that appears. The review process can vary in duration, from less than a day to up to a week, depending on the queue and how well the template is prepared.
        Post-review, your template can be either:
        1. Approved: Your template meets the standards and is listed for sale on Videobolt.
        2. Soft Rejected: The design is acceptable, but there are technical issues that need addressing. You will receive feedback on the errors to correct before resubmission.
        3. Hard Rejected: The template does not meet Videobolt’s quality standards due to reasons like being too generic, overly similar to existing templates, or lacking in professional execution. In this case, a new, different template must be submitted.
        4. By following these steps, you ensure that your template submission to Videobolt is well-prepared, enhancing its likelihood of approval and subsequent success on the platform. To monitor your templates please head over to Author Pages section containing all the information you need to know about navigatinig Videobolt.
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