Videobolt offers a convenient payout system for its authors, with options to receive payments through PayPal or Payoneer.
Videobolt offers a convenient payout system for its authors, with options to receive payments through PayPal or Payoneer. Here's a breakdown of how the payout process works:
Setup up your payout method
Video Value Token
You collect 50% of the value generated by your templates. Because we sell Unlimited access subscriptions to the platform and not individual items, we can't simply split each purchase 50/50. In order to maintain a fair split, we calculate the Video Value Token (VVT) that represents the dollar value of a single video.
The VVT depends on the subscription plan and usage. It's tracked separately for each individual customer, calculated at a fixed interval — one-third of a month, or 1/36th of a year — which is approximately 10 days. Every interval, we tally the usage and deposit your share of the earnings onto your account. This way you have a clear picture of your expected earnings every 10 days instead of waiting for the whole duration of a subscription.
When a subscription is purchased, the cost of the plan is divided by 3 for monthly plans and 36 for yearly in order to determine the Maximum Earnings for the Interval (MEI). Then we divide the MEI with the Number of Videos Produced in that interval (NVP) to get the VVT.
In order to calculate your share of the earnings, we multiply the VVT with the number of videos produced from your templates, split the profit 50/50 and deposit your earnings to your account.
Most videos cost 1 VVT to produce, while visualizers or lyrics depend on runtime — up to 20 VVT for a 120 minute video. You can see the current value of VVT in the formula below.
VVT = Video Value Token;
MEI = Maximum Earnings of the Interval;
NVP = Videos Produced in that interval;
In case you have unanswered questions concerning our profit sharing scheme please get in touch with us at
Example: To give you a more pragmatic example let's go through a hypothetical scenario where we have one Customer purchasing a plan and two Authors — Author 1 and Author 2 — selling templates.
Let's say the Customer purchases a monthly Business plan for $59.99 and produces six videos. Four videos are based on Author 1's templates and two are based on Author 2's.
Since it's a monthly plan the MEI will be $19.99 ($59.99 / 3). The customer produced six videos so the VVT is $3.33 ($19.99 / 6). In the final tally, Author 1 earns $6.66 = (4 * $3.33) / 2 and Author 2 $3.33 = (2 * $3.33) / 2.
Your Share of NVP
Your Share