List of all expression controls supported and what to look out for.
Project Settings
To provide users with the ability to control specific aspects of the template through the online editor, it's necessary for your template to include a Project Settings layer. Essentially, this layer is a disabled adjustment layer equipped with expression controls that function as effects, enabling user interaction and customization within the template.
For instance, to allow users to change the background color, you should create a Color Control. Assign it a name that aligns with the established naming conventions, and then link the Fill effect, or any other relevant effect, to this Color Control using an expression. This setup enables user customization of the background color in the template.
Custom Unit
Controls are typically interpreted as percentages (%) by default. However, if necessary, you can assign a custom unit to the controls, such as pixels (px). To change the unit, just rename the control to include your desired unit in brackets following the name. For instance, you could rename a slider as Width [px] to indicate that its measurements are in pixels.
- You can also modify the control unit through the Templater with the following steps:
Color Control
Refrain from creating a color control for each graphic element. Instead, focus on creating color controls for primary elements, keeping the total as low as possible. For instance, in a template with three primary colors, set up three color controls, plus one or two more for the logo and tagline colors.
Checkbox Control
This feature allows users to easily toggle elements or effects on and off.
When a Checkbox displays a check mark, it indicates that the Checkbox is activated (✅). An activated Checkbox signifies that a certain element or feature is enabled, visible, active, or set to 100% opacity.
A Checkbox without any mark inside signifies that it is deactivated (⛔). When deactivated, it implies that the corresponding element or feature is not visible, disabled, or set to 0% opacity.
Avoid including terms like [on/off] or [off/on] in the Checkbox name. The functionality of a Checkbox is intuitive and follows standard Checkbox Logic, making it easily understandable for users.
Dropdown Control
Provides a selection of predefined options for users to choose from. These options should be established in your template as enumerated (enum) values.
How to Add/Remove and Reorder Items
To modify the dropdown items, including adding, removing, or reordering them, click Edit... located in the upper right corner of the effects panel. Utilize the plus and minus buttons to respectively add or remove items. For reordering, simply drag and drop the items into your desired sequence.
How to Read Dropdown Values From Expressions
The dropdown control provides the selected option as an integer number, with the first item in the list assigned the value of 1. It is mandatory to use the dropdown control specifically for selecting Logo Original Colors.
- For example, consider a dropdown control that offers choices between a circle, rectangle, or triangle:
// Read selected value
let shape = thisComp.layer("Settings").effect("Shape")("Menu");
// 1 is Circle, 2 is Rectangle, 3 is Triangle
if (shape == 1) {
} else {
Angle Control
Users can change floating-point values from 0 to 360 degrees, mirroring the degrees-on-a-circle display seen in After Effects.
Starting Angle
Ensure that the starting angle in your template matches the angle depicted. To achieve this, adjust the rotation expression by adding or subtracting degrees, ensuring that an Angle Value of 0 degrees is oriented directly upwards.
Point Control
This control lets users interactively select a point on the screen to determine the placement of certain elements.
When to Add a Point Control
- ⛔ Do not use point control for:
- ✅ Use point control for animated graphic elements such as:
One to One Ratio
Imagine your Render Composition has dimensions of 1280x720, and your Graphics Composition is 640x360. The point control is located within the Render Composition, while the circle you're drawing is in the Graphics Composition. Selecting the screen's center in your Render Composition returns coordinates [640, 360]. However, if you draw a circle at [640, 360] in your Graphics comp of size [640, 360], it will appear in the bottom right corner. To correct this, you need to offset the circle's value using the Graphics Composition's Anchor Point within the Render Composition.
Font Control
Font controls are generated automatically, reflecting all the fonts utilized in your template. Upon completing the templating process, the Templater tool will automatically gather all the fonts used from your local computer.
Supported fonts
Videobolt supports the latest Google Fonts library
Not Supported
Videobolt doesn't support Variable and Adobe fonts. To disable Adobe fonts please read the instructions below.
- Disable Adobe fonts